The Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician" is within the University a community of over 100 researchers who, thanks to the high skills in all areas of chemistry, has the mission of creating scientific culture through basic and applied research, its promotion and diffusion both through didactic activities and with a strong relationship of comparison and exchange with society and the business world.
The Department has a long tradition of excellence in teaching, research and technology transfer in all sectors of the Chemical Sciences.
In carrying out its training and research tasks, the Department is primarily engaged in the enhancement of the person through training that, starting from individual talents, promotes and develops skills, critical sense, creativity and methodological rigor. The Department is also characterized by its continuous commitment to incorporate scientific research developments into university education courses and to encourage the full employment of its graduates. It has a strong vocation for the dissemination of knowledge of chemical disciplines and their central role in modern society at all levels, within the framework of sustainable and environmentally friendly development.
The mission of the Department is to produce, develop and disseminate new knowledge, train high quality human resources, and, through education and research, to face with industry and society the great challenges facing this historical phase, from climate change to the need for industry to move to the New Manufacturing, the so-called Third industrial revolution induced by digital technologies, to the ever-pressing requests that come from medicine, agriculture and other sensitive sectors for the improvement of the quality of life.
History of the Department
Short history of the Department and its founder, Prof. Giacomo Ciamician
CI si AM - Alumni talk about their profession
Join the Teams classroom and participate in the online meetings in which Ciamician Alumni, now professionals in companies, entrepreneurs or successful researchers, will tell their experience and answer students' questions.
Images of the Department

The main entrance

Entrance hall

Auditorium: the benches

Auditorium: the chair

An educational laboratory

A classroom

The courtyard
The back yard with the Japanese magnolia and the tables for study and recreation

Chemia logo
On the ceiling of the auditorium

Period objects
In the corridors: wardrobe with period scientific objects. Today part of the path of the Chemistry museum