Prof. D. Escudero lecture: First-Principles Calculations of Excited-State Decay Rate Constants in Molecular Systems

Division of Quantum Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry at KU Leuven

  • Date: 30 January 2024 from 15:00 to 16:30

  • Event location: Aula IV, Department of Chemistry, via Selmi 2, Bologna

In the frame of the Visiting Researcher Fellowship programme (Excellent University Departments Project), Prof. Daniel Escudero (Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Belgium) will be visiting fellow at our department from Friday 19th January to Thursday 1st February 2024.

Prof. Escudero is head of the Computational and Photochemistry group in the Division of Quantum Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry at KU Leuven. His main interests involve modelling of the excited states, photophysical and photochemical processes of organic and inorganic molecular systems. 

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