Stefania Butini; Sandra Gemma; Margherita Brindisi; Samuele Maramai Patrizia Minetti; Diana Celona; Raffaella Napolitano Franco Borsini; Walter Cabri; Filomena Fezza; Lucio Merlini; Sabrina Dallavalle; Giuseppe Campiani; Mauro Maccarrone, Identification of a novel arylpiperazine scaffold for fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibition with improved drug disposition properties, «BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS», 2013, 23, pp. 492 - 495 [Scientific article]
Rivara S; Piersanti G; Bartoccini F; Diamantini G; Pala D; Riccioni T; Stasi MA; Cabri W; Borsini F; Mor M, Synthesis of (E)-8-(3-Chlorostyryl)caffeine Analogues Leading to 9-Deazaxanthine Derivatives as Dual A2A Antagonists/MAO-B Inhibitors, «JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY», 2013, 56, pp. 1247 - 1261 [Scientific article]
Cabri W; Paolo Morazzoni; Giovanna Petrangolini; Antonella Riva; Ezio Bombardelli; Massimo Ronchi, Samital a new botanical drug for the treatment of mucosities induced by oncological therapies, «FUTURE ONCOLOGY», 2013, 9, pp. 1717 - 1725 [Scientific article]
Piersanti; Giovanni; Bartoccini; Francesca; Lucarini; Simone; Cabri W; Stasi; Maria Antonietta; Riccioni; Teresa; Borsini; Franco; Tarzia; Giorgio; Minetti; Patrizia, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Metabolites of 2-n-Butyl-9-methyl-8-[1,2,3]triazol-2-yl-9H-purin-6-ylamine (ST1535), A Potent Antagonist of the A2A Adenosine Receptor for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease, «JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY», 2013, 56, pp. 5456 - 5463 [Scientific article]
Carlos Bertoglio, Juan; Calderon, Susana; Lesina, Blaz; Pilleux, Lilian; Morazzoni, Paolo; Riva, Antonella; Bombardelli, Ezio; Ronchi, Massimo; Cabri, Walter; Petrangolini, Giovanna, Effect of Samital in the treatment of chemotheraphy induced mucosities in adult oncohematological patients, «FUTURE ONCOLOGY», 2013, 9, pp. 1727 - 1732 [Scientific article]
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GRANCINI, GIULIA; MAIURI, MARGHERITA; FAZZI, DANIELE; A. Petrozza; H. J. Egelhaaf; BRIDA, DANIELE; CERULLO, GIULIO NICOLA; LANZANI, GUGLIELMO, Hot exciton dissociation in polymer solar cells, «NATURE MATERIALS», 2013, 12, pp. 29 - 33 [Scientific article]
N. R. Agarwal; LUCOTTI, ANDREA; FAZZI, DANIELE; TOMMASINI, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; CASTIGLIONI, CHIARA; W. A. Chalifoux; R. R. Tykwinski, Structure and chain polarization of long polyynes investigated with infrared and Raman spectroscopy, «JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY», 2013, 44, pp. 1398 - 1410 [Scientific article]
E. Giussani; FAZZI, DANIELE; BRAMBILLA, LUIGI; M. Caironi; CASTIGLIONI, CHIARA, Molecular Level Investigation of the Film Structure of a High Electron Mobility Copolymer via Vibrational Spectroscopy, «MACROMOLECULES», 2013, 46, pp. 2658 - 2670 [Scientific article]
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Lee, Pui Y; Wang, Jun-Xia; Parisini, Emilio; Dascher, Christopher C; Nigrovic, Peter A, Ly6 family proteins in neutrophil biology, «JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY», 2013, 94, pp. 585 - 594 [Scientific article]