Catia Arbizzani; Matteo Guidotti (a cura di): Vari, Sensori e biosensori per potenziare i sensi umani, Roma, PAS-SCI Srl, 2022, pp. 76 . [Editorship]
Catia Arbizzani (a cura di): Vari, Trattamento di rifiuti speciali - Energia da fonti rinnovabili, Roma, PAS-SCI Srl, 2021, pp. 76 . [Editorship]
Catia Arbizzani, Facciamo il punto sulle batterie, Roma, Società Chimica Italiana, 2020, pp. 79 . [Editorship]
Focarete, Maria Letizia*; Tampieri, Anna (a cura di): Focarete Maria Letizia; Tampieri Anna, Core-shell nanostructures for drug delivery and theranostics: Challenges, strategies, and prospects for novel carrier systems, Amsterdam, Elsevier Inc., 2018, pp. 453 . [Editorship]
Focarete, Maria Letizia*; Gualandi, Chiara; Ramakrishna, Seeram (a cura di): Maria Letizia Focarete; Chiara Gualandi; Seeram Ramakrishna, Filtering media by electrospinning: Next generation membranes for separation applications, Basel, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 230 . [Editorship]
Carlo Santoro; Catia Arbizzani; Benjamin Erable; Ioannis Ieropoulos (a cura di): Vari, Microbial fuel cells: From fundamentals to applications, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017, pp. 349 . [Editorship]
Bergamini, Giacomo; Silvi, Serena, Applied Photochemistry - When Light Meets Molecules, Switzerland, Springer, 2016, pp. 533 (LECTURE NOTES IN CHEMISTRY). [Editorship]
Credi, Alberto; Silvi, Serena; Venturi, Margherita, Molecular Machines and Motors - Recent Advances and Perspectives, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 342 . [Editorship]
P. Ceroni, The Exploration of Supramolecular Systems and Nanostructures by Photochemical Techniques, HEILDEBERG, Springer, 2012, pp. 232 (LECTURE NOTES IN CHEMISTRY). [Editorship]
S. Campagna; P. Ceroni; F. Puntoriero, Designing Dendrimers, HOBOKEN, Wiley, 2012, pp. 581 . [Editorship]
Valgimigli L. (a cura di): MULTIPLI, Essential Oils as Natural Food Additives: Composition, Applications, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties, NEW YORK, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012, pp. 476 . [Editorship]
P. Ceroni; A. Credi; M. Venturi, Electrochemistry of Functional Supramolecular Systems, HOBOKEN, Wiley, 2010, pp. 613 . [Editorship]
D.Pinna; M.Galeotti; R.Mazzeo, Scientific examination for the investigation of paintings. A handbook for conservator-restorers, FIRENZE, CENTRO DI, 2009, pp. 225 . [Editorship]
M. Bandini; A. Umani Ronchi, Catalytic Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Alkylations, WEIHNEIM, Wiley-VCH, 2009, pp. 301 . [Editorship]
Braga D.; Grepioni F., Making crystals by design, WEINHEIM, Wiley-Vch, 2007, pp. 348 . [Editorship]
R. Mazzeo, Dipinti murali dell'estremo Oriente: diagnosi, conservazione e restauro. Quando oriente ed occidente s'incontrano e si confrontano. Far East Asian mural paintings: diagnosis, conservation and restoration. When east and west encounter and exchange, RAVENNA, Longo Editore, 2006, pp. 145 . [Editorship]