Analytical methods for nano and biosciences

Size and molar mass distribution; morphological and functional particles analysis; biological sample analysis; tag-less cell sorting methods.

Group members

Valentina Marassi

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Barbara Roda

Associate Professor

Andrea Zattoni

Associate Professor

Research activity

Research activity focuses on separative techniques (SEC and the innovative field-flow fractionation techniques) and their hyphenation with uncorrelated techniques for particles analysis (e.g. laser scattering and spectroscopic techniques, and mass spectrometry) for size, functional and quantitative analysis of nano/bioparticles in environmental, clinical, industrial and forensic fields.

Scientific coordinator: Prof Pierluigi Reschiglian

ERC panels

PE4, Physical and Analytical Chemical sciences: analytical chemistry, chemical theory, physical chemistry/chemical physics
PE4_5 Analytical chemistry
PE4_9 Method development in chemistry

LS2_3 Proteomics
LS2_13 Systems biology
LS3_12 Stem cell biology
LS7_1 Medical engineering and technology
LS7_2 Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, imaging)
LS9_5 Food sciences (including food technology, nutrition)


  • Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Bologna Laboratorio Ramses Ramses0
  • Dipartimento di Medicina Specialistica, Diagnostica e Sperimentale, Università di Bologna
  • ISTEC-CNR Faenza (Istituto di Ricerche Tecnologiche per la Ceramica)
  • Ospedale Universitario di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Centro per la Diagnosi di Malattie Virali, Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale.
  • Dipartimento Chirurgico, Medico, Odontoiatrico e di Scienze Morfologiche con interesse Trapiantologico, Oncologico e di Medicina Rigenerativa, UniMoRe
  • Istituto Oncologico Seragnoli, S. Orsola Bologna
  • Dipartimento di Genetica medica, Università di Ferrara
  • CNR-Nanotec Lecce (Istituto di nanotecnologia)
  • INRiM Torino (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica)

Selection of the most recent pubblications

    • Liguori A, Petri E, Gualandi C, Dolci LS, Marassi V, Petretta M, et al. Controlled Release of H2S from Biomimetic Silk Fibroin-PLGA Multilayer Electrospun Scaffolds. Biomacromolecules. 2023;24(3):1366-76.
    • Giordani S, Marassi V, Zattoni A, Roda B, Reschiglian P. Liposomes characterization for market approval as pharmaceutical products: Analytical
    • methods, guidelines and standardized protocols. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2023;236.
    • De Marchis F, Vanzolini T, Maricchiolo E, Bellucci M, Menotta M, Di Mambro T, et al. A biotechnological approach for the production of new
    • protein bioplastics. Biotechnology Journal. 2023.
    • Marassi V, MattarozziM, Toma L, Giordani S, Ronda L, Roda B, et al. FFF-based high-throughput sequence shortlisting tosupport the development of aptamer-based analytical strategies. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry. 2022;414(18):5519-27.
    • Falzarano MS, Grilli A, Zia S, Fang M, Rossi R, Gualandi F, et al. RNA-seq in DMD urinary stem cells recognized muscle-related transcription signatures and addressed the identification of atypical mutations by whole-genome sequencing. Human Genetics and Genomics
    • Advances. 2022;3(1).
    • Marassi V, Marangon M, Zattoni A, Vincenzi S, Versari A, Reschiglian P, et al. Characterization of red wine native colloids by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation with online multidetection. Food Hydrocolloids. 2021;110.
    • Marassi V, Maggio S, Battistelli M, Stocchi V, Zattoni A, Reschiglian P, et al. An ultracentrifugation – hollow-fiber flow field-flow
    • fractionation orthogonal approach for the purification and mapping of extracellular vesicle subtypes. Journal of Chromatography A. 2021;1638.
    • Marassi V, De Marchis F, Roda B, Bellucci M, Capecchi A, Reschiglian P, et al. Perspectives on protein biopolymers: miniaturized flow field-flow fractionation-assisted characterization of a single-cysteine mutated phaseolin expressed in transplastomic tobacco plants. Journal of Chromatography A. 2021;1637.
    • Marassi V, Calabria D, Trozzi I, Zattoni A, Reschiglian P, Roda B. Comprehensive characterization of gold nanoparticles and their protein
    • conjugates used as a label by hollow fiber flow field flow fractionation with photodiode array and fluorescence detectors and multiangle light scattering. Journal of Chromatography A. 2021;1636.