The laboratory performs analyses on liquid and solid samples, both pure and in mixture, in order to determine their chemical composition. The instrumentation enables accurate high-resolution mass analyzes to be carried out in order to obtain the exact mass and the brute formula of the analyzed chemical compound. It also allows the separation of the chemical components of mixtures of chemical and / or biological origin, by means of a high efficiency chromatographic system, and the determination of the molecular mass of the individual components.
- UPLC chromatographic system model Waters ACQUITY H-CLASS
It allows the separation and purification on analytical scale of chemical compounds and simple and / or complex mixtures
- Waters Xevo G2-XS QTof model mass spectrometer with ESI-APCI type source and with system for direct sample infusion
It allows the determination of the exact molecular weight of the analyzed chemical compound allowing the determination of the molecular formula
The instrumentation is also used for requests for analysis by external companies and in various consulting and / or commissioned research contracts.
Dr. Stefano Grilli, Tel +39 051 2088755, mobile +39 335 427164