GASCHEM4air – GAS-phase CHEMistry for AIR quality modeling

PRIN [2022-2025]


Among the challenges that humankind is called to face, the chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere is of great concern. Indeed, a reliable and accurate modeling of the tropospheric chemistry is the first step to fight against climate change. The specific objectives of our project are two. The first is the development of an integrated experiment-theory strategy, where accurate theoretical kinetics calculations are coupled with a new experimental set-up aimed at measuring time profiles of reactive species using rotational spectroscopy. The second objective of the project is the development of a database collecting all accurate and reliable data available in the literature concerning troposphere chemical kinetics and new data purposely obtained within this project. The aim is to overcome the limitations of previous compilations by providing quantitative information on branching ratios and the accurate characterization of pollutant molecular properties.

Departmental scientific manager

Cristina Puzzarini (PI)


Politecnico di Milano (Italy)