Seminar Prof. Nakao - Catalysis Across M-M Bonds
Aula II, via Selmi 2. Dip. di Chimica Ciamician
Department of Material Chemistry (Kyoto University)
Seminario Prof. Andrew Jamieson - Rationally Designed Peptidomimetics: New Tools for Chemical Biology
Sala Riunioni – Tecnopolo di Rimini, Via Dario Campana, 71
Advanced Research Centre (ARC) - University of Glasgow (UK)
Alessandro Ianiro seminar on Bio-inspired Electricity
Aula III, Dipartimento di Chimica “Giacomo Ciamician”
Adolphe Merkle Institute, Fribourg, Switzerland
Seminar with Prof. Marcantoni
Aula 3, via Selmi 2, 40126 Bologna
Title: Organic Synthesis Contributing to Develop Chemical Biology
Presentations and meetings
Waiting for the European Researchers' night
CostArena (Via Azzo Gardino, 48 - Bologna)
From 25 August many events for schools and citizens
Presentations and meetings
UPGRADE: the first TEDx talk in Castelfranco Emilia
Bosco Albergati
Our Prof Sahra Talamo is an invited speaker at the first TEDx talk in Castelfranco Emilia
Seminar: Prof. J.-C. Guillemin
Aula V, sia Selmi 2
Some aspects of organic chemistry applied to the chemistry of the interstellar medium
WEBINAR Prof. Dr. Lam, Kit S - From combinatorial chemistry to nanoteheranostic agents
Online meeting, TEAMS
Online meeting, TEAMS
Career guidance and work
OPEN DAY: Master’s Degree in Photochemistry and Molecular Materials
Virtual room
Take the chance to meet the students, staff and professors, ask for details about the contents, services and opportunities offered by the degree programme.
WEBINAR - Dr. Carlo Bravin
Functional dynamic systems: a journey from supramolecular cages to vesicles
WEBINAR - Professors Maria Assunta Navarra, Barbara Mecheri, Stefano Caramori
Energy storage and conversion: perspectives and challenges
WEBINAR del Dr. Guillaume Vincent
Dearomatization of Indoles: for the Total Synthesis of Natural Products