Guldi D.M.; Zerbetto F.; Georgakilas V.; Prato M., Ordering fullerene materials at manometer dimensions, «ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH», 2005, 38, pp. 38 - 43 [Scientific article]
Trebbi B.; Fanti M.; Rossi I.; Zerbetto F., Intraresidue distribution of energy in proteins, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2005, 109, pp. 3586 - 3593 [Scientific article]
Rapino S.; Zerbetto F., Modeling the stability and the motion of DNA nucleobases on the gold surface, «LANGMUIR», 2005, 21, pp. 2512 - 2518 [Scientific article]
Teobaldi G.; Zerbetto F., Simulation of some dynamical aspects of the photophysics of dye molecules encapsulated in a dendrimer, «JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE», 2005, 111, pp. 335 - 342 [Scientific article]
Kemner E.; Zerbetto F., Intercage dynamics of C-60 in doped crystals, «CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS», 2005, 405, pp. 270 - 273 [Scientific article]
Soncini A.; Fowler P.W.; Zerbetto F., Electric-field perturbations of ring currents in pi systems, «CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS», 2005, 405, pp. 136 - 141 [Scientific article]
Ruffieux P.; Melle-Franco M.; Groning O.; Bielmann M.; Zerbetto F.; Groning P., Charge-density oscillation on graphite induced by the interference of electron waves, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2005, 71, pp. 153403 - 153406 [Scientific article]
G. Brizzi; C. Puzzarini; A. Perrin; J. Orphal; H. Willner; P. Garcia, High resolution Fourier transform infrared spectrum of 79Br14N18O: Analysis of the v1 band, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE», 2005, 742, pp. 37 - 41 [Scientific article]
Leigh D.A.; Morales M.A.F.; Perez E.M.; Wong J.K.Y.; Saiz C.G.; Slawin A.M.Z.; Carmichael A.J.; Haddleton D.M.; Brouwer A.M.; Buma W.J.; Wurpel G.W.H.; Leon S.; Zerbetto F., Patterning through controlled submolecular motion: Rotaxane-based switches and logic gates that function in solution and polymer films, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2005, 44, pp. 3062 - 3067 [Scientific article]
Lugli F.; Hofinger S.; Zerbetto F., The collapse of nanobubbles in water, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY», 2005, 127, pp. 8020 - 8021 [Scientific article]
G. Cazzoli; L. Dore; C. Puzzarini; B. Bakrib; J.-M. Colmont; F. Rohart; G. Wlodarczak, Experimental determination of air-broadening parameters of pure rotational transitions of HNO3: intercomparison of measurements by using different techniques., «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY», 2005, 229, pp. 158 - 169 [Scientific article]
C.L. Verdes; S.A. Buehler; A. Perrin; J.-M. Flaud; J. Demaison; G. Wlodarczak; J.-M. Colmont; G. Cazzoli; C. Puzzarini, A sensitivity study on spectroscopic parameter accuracies for a mm/sub-mm limb sounder instrument., «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY», 2005, 229, pp. 266 - 275 [Scientific article]
G. Cazzoli; C. Puzzarini, The Lamb-dip spectrum of the J = 1 - 0 transition of DF: crossing resonances and hyperfine components., «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY», 2005, 231, pp. 124 - 130 [Scientific article]
J.-M.Colmont; B. Bakri; F. Rohart; G. Wlodarczak; J. Demaison; G. Cazzoli; L. Dore; C. Puzzarini, Intercomparison between ozone broadening parameters retrieved from millimetre-wave measurements by using different techniques., «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY», 2005, 231, pp. 171 - 187 [Scientific article]
G. Cazzoli; C. Puzzarini; J. Gauss., The rare isotopomers of HCN: HC15N and DC15N. Rotational spectrum and resolved nuclear hyperfine structures due to 15N and D., «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2005, 159, pp. 181 - 189 [Scientific article]
G. Cazzoli; C. Puzzarini, Observation of OD- by microwave spectroscopy., «THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2005, 123, pp. 041101-1 - 041101-4 [Scientific article]
G. Cazzoli ; C. Puzzarini, The Lamb-dip spectrum of the J + 1 ← J (J = 0, 1, 3–8) transitions of H13CN: The nuclear hyperfine structure due to H, 13C, and 14N, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY», 2005, 233, pp. 280 - 289 [Scientific article]
A. Perrin; C. Puzzarini; J.-M. Colmont; C. Verdes; G. Wlodarczk; G. Cazzoli; S. Buehler; J.-M. Flaud; J. Demaison, Molecular line parameters for "MASTER" (Millimeter wave Acquisitions for Stratosphere/Troposphere Exchange Research) database, «JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY», 2005, 50, pp. 161 - 205 [Scientific article]
Cecchet F.; Fioravanti G.; Marcaccio M.; Margotti M.; Mattiello L.; Paolucci F.; Rapino S.; Rudolf P., Electrode Surface Modification by a Spirobifluorene Derivative. An XPS and Electrochemical Investigation., «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2005, 109(39), pp. 18427 - 18432 [Scientific article]
L. Bizzocchi; C. Degli Esposti; L. Dore; C. Puzzarini, Lamb-dip millimetre-wave spectroscopy of HCP: experimental and theoretical determination of 31P nuclear spin-rotation coupling constant and magnetic shielding., «CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS», 2005, 408, pp. 13 - 18 [Scientific article]