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C. Degli Esposti; L. Bizzocchi; P. Botschwina; K.M.T. Yamada; G. Winnewisser; S. Thorwirth; P. Förster, Vibrationally excited states of HC5N: millimeter-wave spectroscopy and coupled cluster calculations., «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY», 2005, 230, pp. 185 - 195 [Scientific article]
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Giorgio M.; Migliaccio E.; Orsini F.; Paolucci D.; Moroni M.; Contursi C.; Pelliccia G.; Luzi L.; Minucci S.; Marcaccio M.; Pinton P.; Rizzuto R.; Bernardi P.; Paolucci F.; Pelicci P.G., Electron transfer between cytochrome c and p66Shc generates reactive oxygen species that trigger mitochondrial apoptosis, «CELL», 2005, 122, pp. 221 - 233 [Scientific article]
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A. Maris; S. Melandri; W. Caminati; I. Rossi, Free-jet rotational spectrum and tunneling motion in difluoromethane–krypton, «CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS», 2005, 407, pp. 192 - 198 [Scientific article]
W. Caminati; S. Melandri; M. Schnell; D. Banser; J.-U. Grabow; J.L. Alonso, The Fourier transform rotational spectrum of difluoromethane–water: internal motion of water, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE», 2005, 742, pp. 87 - 90 [Scientific article]
A. Costantini; A. Laganà; F. Pirani; A. Maris; W. Caminati, Ab Initio and Empirical Atom Bond Formulation of the Interaction of the Dimethylether-Ar System, in: ICCSA, Berlino, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 1046 - 1053 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
L.B. Favero; B.M. Giuliano; S. Melandri; A. Maris; P. Ottaviani; B. Velino; W. Caminati, CH×××O and CH×××F links form the Cage structure of Dioxane–Trifluoromethane, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY», 2005, 109, pp. 7402 - 7404 [Scientific article]
A. Maris; B.M. Giuliano; S. Melandri; P. Ottaviani; W. Caminati; L.B. Favero; B. Velino, Structure, dipole moment and large amplitude motions of 1-benzofuran, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2005, 7, pp. 3317 - 3322 [Scientific article]
S. Furini; F. Zerbetto; S. Cavalcanti., A Numerical solver of 3D Poisson Nernst Planck equations for functional studies of ion channels., in: M. URSINO C.A. BREBBIA G. PONTRELLI AND E. MAGOSSO, Modelling in medicine and biology VI, SOUTHAMPTON, WIT Press, 2005, pp. 111 - 120 (Advances in Bioengineering) [Chapter or essay]
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Kemner E; Zerbetto F, Guest dynamics in endohedrally doped fullerenes, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2005, 109, pp. 15048 - 15051 [Scientific article]
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