Synthesis, purification and characterization of organic compounds

Thanks to our state-of-the-art equipments and to the experience gained in the field of collaborations and consultancy with national and international companies, we are able to cope with a wide range of needs.

Consultancy is offered in the field of:

  • Analisi chimica e determinazioni della struttura di sostanze organiche tramite tecniche HPLC, HPLC-MS, GC, GC-MS, NMR FT-IR e HRMS.
  • Separazione e purificazione di sostanze organiche tramite tecniche HPLC preparativa
  • Synthesis of organic molecules in particular: substances with biological activity, beta-lactams, steroids, peptides, organic and organometallic dyes, heterocyclic building-blocks and chiral catalysts.
  • Planning of synthesis strategies. Use of databases for bibliographic research to identify new synthetic procedures or implement existing procedures.

Purification, separation and characterization laboratory

The instrumentation present in the laboratory allows the separation and purification, even on a large scale, of mixtures of organic compounds even in complex matrices. Mass spectrometers and other instruments included in the laboratory allow the determination and characterization of organic compounds.

NMR spectroscopy

The group, with many years of experience in the characterization of organic molecules by NMR spectroscopic technique, is equipped with modern and high-field instruments, which allow to analyze complex organic compounds using advanced techniques (COZY, TOCSY, HSQC and NOESY).

Available equipment: Varian MR-400 MHz, Varian Unity INOVA 600 MHZ e Varian Mercury Plus 400 MHz

Custom peptide synthesis

Production of linear, cyclic and mimetic peptides made to order with newly acquired automatic instruments; isolation, analysis and recognition. Neurotransmitters, hormones, antibiotic depsipeptides, antitumor cytotoxic agents, immunomodulators, enzyme inhibitors, opioids, agro-food peptides, libraries, peptoids, nanomaterials, peptides for biomedical applications etc.

High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS)

determination of the exact mass of a compound; interpretation of the molecular structure; identification of the components of a mixture; quantitative investigations and mechanistic studies.

Equipment: Waters Xevo G2-XS QTof e sistema UPLC Waters ACQUITY

Other available instruments:

  • Atomic absorption
  • lyophilizer
